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19-02-2011 11:41
Karin Lutz-Efinger ( Stuttgart , Germany )

Das Projekt, das Stück, der Autor, die Macher, die faszinierende Idee, viele Menschen mit diesen körperlichen Einschränkungen auf die Bühne zu holen: die nächste Städtereise wird nach Barcelona führen, I´m sure. Viel Energie, Durchhaltevermögen und eine nie versiegende Spielfreude wünscht euch allen Karin aus Stuttgart

14-10-2010 19:31
Anke Rauthmann ( Berlin , Germany )

Congratulation to Matthias Janser and his team on this courageous and daring project! It certainly deserves wide support - and I look forward to seeing its realisation. Toi Toi Toi!

15-09-2010 15:39
sue nash ( London , England )

It's a nice coincidence that I was day dreaming about Boris just the other day (and the challenges of staging his Party ) and then I got the e-mail from Matthias. So glad you are finally getting the chance to stage the play and under what looks like a great set up. It's a good time for this text to be heard, seen, played with, played out. S.N.

14-09-2010 19:03
Hanna ( south of G , Germay )

no pity
but attention and consciousness
have respect for every human beeing
hold every human beeing in high esteem
diversity and variety
everyone with his skills
sunshine in your heart
joie de vivre
open-minded, interested, snoopy
culture offers possibilies
culture opens up new vistas
to advert to grievance
being active, being loud
treasure hunter
connoisseurs of the art of living

I´m honestly impressed with your project. I´m interested. Good luck for you all.
Be temerarious!


14-09-2010 00:34
Cynthia ( Barcelona , Spain )

Hello all! I'm very happy to be working with you on such interesting and meaningful work.

The Web site looks great, and I'm looking forward to seeing the project unfold. It's important work, and I have no doubt it will be well received in Barcelona!