Support us

There are many ways in which you can help support our workshops and production of Una fiesta para Boris.

You can make a small or large donation directly to our Paypal account.
Please, tell us which area you would like your donation to go to. (For example: scenery, costumes, props, lights, transport, etc.)



You can also sponsor an artist or a participant of our production.
Seeing an artist, a family member or one of your friends bringing a leading role to life can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

We will need to provide accomodation for some of our artists and collaborators.
If you have a room or apartment in Barcelona which you are happy to give to us for a small rent or even for free, please let us know.

Your philantropic support is directed towards the role or specific area you support.

You will be credited on our website and our publicity material.

Please contact us directly if you would like to donate a large amount towards our activities. We will be happy to give you more information on tax relief and charitable giving.

Every donation, whatever its size, is vital – and very much appreciated.

Thank you.